Rising Hospital Costs for Uncompensated Care Trigger Heated Debate in Florida

Rising Hospital Costs for Uncompensated Care Trigger Heated Debate in Florida

Florida’s recent reveal of $566 million spent on healthcare for illegal immigrants in 2023 has stirred a passionate debate over its financial implications.

At a Glance

  • Senate Bill (SB) 1718 mandates hospitals to ask and report immigration status.
  • Only $21.3 million of the reported $566 million was directly for undocumented immigrants.
  • Federal funding helps offset hospitals’ uncompensated care costs.
  • Critics argue the methodology behind the report is flawed.

Senate Bill 1718 and the Reporting Requirement

Senate Bill (SB) 1718 came into effect in Florida, obliging Medicaid-accepting hospitals to inquire about patients’ immigration status and submit these details to the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) every quarter. This new regulation aimed to elucidate the financial burden that undocumented immigrants purportedly place on the state’s healthcare system.

The AHCA’s public dashboard intends to demonstrate that undocumented immigrants are straining Florida’s healthcare system. However, critics have highlighted significant discrepancies between reported figures and actual costs. According to the Florida Policy Institute, the actual cost of uncompensated care for undocumented immigrants allegedly stands at $21.3 million, not the $566 million reported.

Discrepancies and Criticisms

The $566 million figure includes all hospital expenditures and not just those costs directly attributed to undocumented immigrants, leading some to accuse AHCA of inflating the numbers. Most of the undocumented patients in question were emergency room visitors likely covered by emergency Medicaid. Critics argue the report creates a misleading picture of healthcare expenses attributable to undocumented immigrants.

Legislative Measures and Public Health Concerns

Federal funding and disproportionate share hospital (DSH) payments already help to offset the costs of uncompensated care. Nonetheless, the public dashboard highlights only the costs related to undocumented immigrants, omitting other important factors contributing to healthcare expenses. Delaying or avoiding care due to fears surrounding SB 1718 could not only exacerbate health issues but also increase long-term healthcare costs, posing significant risks to public health.

Undocumented Immigrants’ Contributions and Population Statistics

Undocumented immigrants contribute over $598 million annually in state and local taxes, offering a counterpoint to the claims of financial burden. Only about 4% of Florida’s population is undocumented, and they are underrepresented in hospital admissions and emergency room visits. Despite higher uninsured rates, noncitizen immigrants, including undocumented individuals, use less healthcare and spend less on healthcare than U.S.-born citizens.

Future Implications and Recommendations

Given these discrepancies, calls have been made for the AHCA to revise its public dashboard to correct its flaws and incorporate broader contextual information. Transparency and accountability in presenting this data are crucial for informed discussion and policy-making. These steps could mitigate the unintended consequences of such measures, ensuring that healthcare is accessible to all who need it while maintaining fiscal responsibility.


  1. Florida’s Public Dashboard on Health Care Costs is Misleading
  2. Potential Impacts of New Requirements in Florida and Texas for Hospitals to Request Patient Immigration Status
  3. Dashboard on hospital costs by undocumented immigrants prompts questions and criticism
  4. Florida hospitals ask immigrants about their legal status. Texas will try it next
  5. Health Care for Illegal Aliens Costs Florida $566 Million Each Year
  6. Immigrants in the country illegally cost “Florida taxpayers $566 million for 54,000 hospital visits.”
  7. Pulling ‘a fast one?’ State criticized over new migrant health care dashboard
  8. Lawmaker spoke of health care for immigrants, cost to Floridians | Fact check
  9. Florida’s New Online Dashboard Displays Cost of Unrecompensed Hospital Care Provided to Illegal Aliens
  10. Doctors Hesitate to Ask About Patients’ Immigration Status Despite New Florida Law