White House Cuts Ties Over Director’s Sickening Rant

(WatchDogReport.org) – The White House has officially cut ties with the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) regarding the formulation of a national strategy to combat antisemitism. This move comes in response to the shocking remarks made by Nihad Awad, CAIR’s national executive director, during the 16th Annual Convention for Palestine in Chicago.

Awad’s statement, captured on video and circulated by the Middle East Media Research Institute, expressed happiness over the Gaza attacks against Israel by Hamas on October 7. He expressed joy at witnessing individuals break free from confinement and reclaim their territory that had been previously inaccessible to them.

The Biden administration swiftly condemned Awad’s comments, leading to the termination of their collaboration with CAIR. White House deputy press secretary Andrew Bates highlighted the severity of the situation, denouncing Awad’s statements as “shocking (and) antisemitic,” emphasizing the pain caused by Hamas’ actions and calling for a collective condemnation of antisemitism and violence.

CAIR was initially enlisted by the White House in May to educate religious communities on safeguarding their places of worship against hate incidents. However, following Awad’s remarks, the White House distanced itself from the organization, signaling an end to their collaboration on countering antisemitism.

Awad defended his statements, claiming that his remarks were taken out of context. He clarified that while advocating for Palestinian rights, he condemned violence against civilians and all forms of bigotry, including antisemitism. Awad insisted that targeting civilians is unacceptable, regardless of nationality or background.

Additionally, Awad criticized the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), accusing it of wielding excessive influence over the US government and Congress. He suggested that the freedom of Palestine is linked to freeing Congress from AIPAC’s control.

As a result of these developments, protests against the Biden administration from left-wing groups have gained momentum across various cities, highlighting discontent with the administration’s stance on Israel over Hamas. Despite CAIR’s statement attributing Awad’s remarks to being taken out of context, the White House’s decision stands firm in severing ties with the organization.

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