Voters Face First Presidential Rematch Since 1956

( – US President Joe Biden and former president Donald Trump secured the nominations of their parties on March 12, setting up the rematch of the 2020 presidential election in which the Democratic leader won. The presidential election rematch between both politicians would be the first one to occur in the United States since 1956. That year, GOP President Dwight D. Eisenhower came out victorious against former Democratic Illinois Governor Adlai Stevenson, when both politicians faced off for the second time.

While some public figures like Joe Rogan suggested that the Democratic Party could force President Biden to suspend his campaign to make California Governor Gavin Newsom the party’s nominee, the commander-in-chief will go for re-election. Meanwhile, the Republican leader confirmed with his nomination not only his massive popularity among Republican voters but also his influence in the GOP, with MAGA politicians getting more prominence.

In their primaries, the two political leaders managed to secure their nominations without any significant setbacks, confirming their popularity in their parties. While none of the other Democratic presidential candidates represented a threat to President Biden, many media outlets and political analysts suggested that Florida Governor Ron De Santis could have a chance against Trump. However, he underperformed and the former president’s final rival ended up being former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley. She wasn’t able to get political momentum and take advantage of Trump’s legal issues to become a threat, and has since left the race.

Trump officially launched his third presidential bid in November 2022 and made history in 2023 after becoming the first president or former one to officially face criminal charges. Despite the legal issues, his popularity in the Republican Party is currently greater than President Biden in the Democratic Party. Biden has faced criticism over his stance on the war between Israel and the terrorist group Hamas.

While many polls have shown that the presidential election doesn’t have a clear favorite, some revealed that the Republican leader has a slight lead over the commander-in-chief.

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