Violent Suspect Allegedly Laughed While Stabbing Victims

( – Police officers arrested a 26-year-old man named Jared Ravizza on May 24 at a rest stop in Plymouth, Massachusetts, as he was the main suspect in stabbing six people in two towns. The mother of one of his victims said that he was “laughing” during the attacks.

During a press conference, Lisa Dembowski said that the incident had all started when she suddenly received a phone call from her sister, who told her she had received a phone call from her “oldest daughter.” Dembowski’s daughter told her aunt that she needed to go to the AMC movie theater as soon as possible as she was stabbed.

The office of the Plymouth County District Attorney said that Ravizza was facing numerous charges. The Braintree Police Department said in a statement that on the night of the incident, three females between the ages of 9 and 17 were also stabbed. However, the police explained that their injuries were non-life threatening.

Recalling the incident, Dembowski told reporters that once she got into the movie theater, she found her daughter and three other girls with her. She added that Ravizza suddenly appeared and stabbed the three other girls in the arm, chest, and back while laughing. Dembowski also detailed that once he stabbed them, he immediately ran away.

Authorities said that right after committing the multiple stabbings at the movie theater in Braintree, the suspect executed another attack against two people at the rest stop. The district attorney’s office explained that the two victims of the second attack were a 28-year-old man and a 21-year-old woman.

Dembowski said that while her daughter is doing well physically, she’s currently “terrified” because of what happened. She added that her daughter doesn’t even want to go out as she said she cannot believe that she could’ve been the victim of such an attack while watching a movie in a movie theater.

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