US Marine Arrested Over Shocking Allegations

( – A former U.S. Marine has been arrested in New Jersey following alleged threats on social media to massacre white people and plot a mass shooting, according to prosecutors.

Joshua Cobb, of Trenton, was arrested on May 10 and charged with transmitting a threat in interstate and foreign commerce. The 23-year-old reportedly bragged in statements online about wanting to become a serial killer and expressed his intent to “cause mayhem” in the white community. Filed court documents revealed that Cobb considered an Aldi grocery store and a local gym as possible targets for his planned massacre.

The suspect also allegedly planned to smuggle firearms into the state, as notes found on his cell phone suggest. Cobb, who is black, could face a $250,000 fine and five years in jail for the alleged threats. In a post published in December 2022, Cobb claimed that white people would never relate to his “struggles” as a black male and that he did not care to understand their struggles. He shared a desire to “erase” all white people, or as many as he possibly could, in the planned attack. He confessed to commencing preparations for the crime in the same post.

Cobb planned to carry out the attack in 2023 on an “important holiday” for white people. The suspect was convinced that a location he had in mind, which he regularly attended, had no staff armed and capable of stopping him. At this point, Cobb claimed to have already obtained 2 of the 4 firearms he intended to use in the planned attack and had already worked out entry and exit points at the location. According to the FBI, Cobb believed that the “wealthier people” could not relate to the experience of living in a “bad spot” and vowed to “bring pain” to the community.

In April and May 2023, Cobb published a series of posts to “leave evidence” for investigators, saying that there was no way out for him other than bloodshed. The suspect commented in one of the posts that he would probably “OD” on the adrenaline after killing his tenth victim.

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