Trump Rally Puts Biden On Notice in Deep Blue State

( – Former President and Republican nominee Donald Trump held a massive rally in New Jersey on May 11, where he told the crowd that he would beat President Joe Biden in the so-called Garden State on Election Day. A New Jersey spokesman said in a statement there were approximately 100,000 people at Trump’s rally, and New Jersey GOP Representative Jeff Van Drew said that the event was the biggest rally that the state has ever held.

At the event, Trump blasted President Biden, whom he referred to as the “worst” commander-in-chief the United States ever had and a “moron” who hasn’t been able to solve the numerous crises the country is currently experiencing. He also said he believes that the Republican Party will win in New Jersey and expand in the electoral map. The conservative leader added that he also thinks he can win in every single state, including the blue ones. He closed his speech saying that many Democrats are joining his movement, which he claims is based not only on “intelligence” and “love,” but especially on “common sense.”

Following the rally, former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy said during an interview with Fox News that the Biden administration should be worried about what Trump did in New Jersey. He explained that the former commander-in-chief showed the United States that his popularity could be big enough to win the 2024 presidential election.

McCarthy also told host Maria Bartiromo that what Trump did in New Jersey was extraordinary as it was unthinkable a couple of years ago to think that a Republican leader could hold such a massive rally in that state. He added that he believes President Biden would be unable to hold a similar rally in some of the most Democratic places in blue states, such as New York or California.

The former House Speaker also said that some sources have told him that the White House is asking President Biden to talk less and campaign less as he seems to “look bad” while doing it.

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