Trump Opens Up On ‘Ridiculous’ Republican Policies

( – Former President Donald Trump has ramped up his criticism of some “ridiculous” policies previously adopted by Republicans, as the presumptive presidential nominee faces criticism from some Republicans leading up to the Republican National Convention. Critics have noted the less hardline stance the party has on key social issues under Trump’s leadership.

The GOP’s official platform, which has just been formally adopted, avoids mention of same-sex marriage, which the party has historically opposed. Trump has also adopted the somewhat pragmatic stance that abortion laws should be left up to individual states to decide instead of a federal ban on the procedure. Other Republicans have taken a more hardline position on the divisive issue, and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has stated that he would support a ban on abortions as early as 15 weeks into pregnancy.

TV and radio presenter Brian Kilmeade interviewed Trump on July 10. Kilmeade asked the former president why the party was scrapping a nationwide abortion ban policy for the first time in 40 years. He also noted that the platform did not comment on “traditional marriage.” Trump replied that he was not “targeting moderates” and stated that he just wanted common sense. He added that he did not want to ban gay marriage.

During a televised one-on-one debate on June 27, Trump and President Joe Biden attacked each other’s policies on abortion. Biden blasted Trump for overturning Roe v Wade, arguing that recommendations regarding women’s health should be made by a woman’s doctor, not by the White House. Trump accused Biden of encouraging late-term abortion and terminations after birth. Biden denied this claim and stated that he has always been against late-term abortions.

Trump has already raised concerns among members of the House Freedom Caucus regarding some of his endorsements in the 2024 Senate races. Critics accused Trump of backing moderates rather than hardline conservatives and suggested this would not benefit Trump in the long run in the event he is re-elected in November.

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