Trump Gets Good News in Two Key Swing States

( – A significant shift in the political landscape has been revealed by a newly published poll, indicating that former President Trump’s support among black voters has notably increased compared to his polling in black communities in 2020 in two key swing states.

The survey of 500 registered black voters in each of the swing states of Pennsylvania and Michigan revealed that, while President Joe Biden was either the first or second choice of most voters, the majority would avoid voting for Trump.

The poll conducted between June 9 and June 13 has a margin of error of 4.4% and shows that Trump’s support is increasing among black voters. The former president has recently been campaigning in Detroit, a majority-black city, in an attempt to gain support among the city’s African-American community. According to the Pew Research Center, 92% of the nation’s black voters voted for Biden in 2020.

The new poll found that, having received less than 10% of black votes in the surveyed swing states in 2020, Trump now has the support of roughly 11% of Pennsylvania’s black voters and 15% of Michigan’s black voters. However, the poll’s most striking finding was that the majority of voters abandoning Biden were not turning to Trump but instead to leading independent candidates such as Robert F. Kennedy Jr. or Cornel West, indicating a potential non-partisan shift in voter preferences. According to the survey, nearly 15% of each state’s voters expressed a preference for third-party candidates.

A focus group in Detroit’s suburbs revealed in February 2024 that an increasing number of voters were drawn in by Kennedy’s name, charisma, and policies. Having inherited the legacy of a Democratic dynasty historically supportive of civil rights, the independent candidate has made addressing the concerns of ethnic minorities a key focal point in his campaign and has become increasingly popular with voters disillusioned with both leading party candidates.

These changes could be good for Donald Trump in the upcoming election, with his support starting to grow. More importantly, as black voters begin to abandon President Biden, Trump’s chances of securing these swing states increase. Even if they don’t vote for Trump, they won’t be voting for Biden either. In an election that is expected to be extremely close, the final outcome could come down to situations just like this.

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