Suspect Arrested in Domestic Terrorist Attack

( – A transgender alleged member of Antifa has been arrested and charged with allegedly detonating an explosive device outside the office of Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall in February.

Kyle Benjamin Douglas Calvert, 26, was arrested on April 10 by law enforcement on charges of possession of an unregistered destructive device and malicious use of an explosive, according to the Department of Justice. The explosive device detonated close to the intersection of South Bainbridge Street and Washington Avenue outside Marshall’s office at approximately 3:42 A.M. on February 24.

There was no significant damage to nearby buildings, and no one was injured in the explosion. Surveillance footage caught an individual wearing a mask, dark clothing, and goggles in the vicinity.

Calvert, of Irondale, identifies as transgender, non-binary, and pansexual, and has been linked to far-left “anti-fascist” extremism. He has called for violence against political opposition and law enforcement, according to social media and court records. The suspect reportedly put stickers on government buildings featuring Antifa, anti-police and anti-ICE slogans. Messages on the stickers included feminist slogans, glorification of riots, claims that antifascism is “self-defense,” and calls to abolish private property. Calvert adopted the pronouns “they,” “he,” and “she” on Instagram and TikTok.

The explosion occurred soon after the Republican attorney general announced that he did not plan to prosecute IVF providers or patients seeking treatment after Alabama’s Supreme Court ruled that frozen embryos are human beings. Court documents reveal that the “improvised explosive device” was in a vessel like a coffee container that was assembled using insulation material soaked in either lighter fluid or gasoline mixed with firecrackers, nails, and a mortar.

Marshall said that he and his staff were sharing a “collective sigh of relief” after the suspect was arrested. He added that though they expected more information to surface in the coming weeks, it did not appear to be a random act of violence. If convicted, Calvert faces between five and 20 years in prison.

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