Senator Nearly Dies During GOP Lunch

Senator Nearly Dies During GOP Lunch

( Senators Rand Paul and Joni Ernst were in the middle of a Senate GOP lunch at the Capitol when Ernst started choking on her food. Quick to act, Paul jumped in and performed the Heimlich maneuver, saving Ernst’s life.

The incident unfolded during a customary lunch hosted by Ernst, featuring dishes from her home state, including steak from the IA Cattlemen’s Assn. Later, Ernst took to social media, acknowledging the incident and playfully commenting that she was choking on the woke Democratic policies being shoved down their throats.

Photographs posted online displayed a spread of food items at the lunch. While it remained unclear what exactly caused the choking, Paul’s prompt and effective action was commended by colleagues, despite their occasional disagreements.

Senator Lindsey Graham, known for occasional disagreements with Paul, expressed gratitude, saying, “God bless Rand Paul. I never thought I’d say that.”

Not all senators were present to witness the event. However, it sparked discussions about the importance of learning life-saving techniques like the Heimlich maneuver. Senator Cynthia Lummis highlighted the need for such training and shared stories of similar incidents requiring the Heimlich maneuver.

This incident isn’t the first time a lawmaker needed such assistance during a meal with colleagues. In 2018, Senator Joe Manchin performed the Heimlich on Senator Claire McCaskill, inadvertently cracking her rib in the process.

The Heimlich maneuver, introduced in 1974, has been credited with saving the lives of numerous individuals, including former President Ronald Reagan, pop star Cher, and various Hollywood actors. Over the years, this technique has proved instrumental in preventing fatal outcomes during critical choking incidents, highlighting the importance of swift action during emergencies.

To execute the Heimlich maneuver, one must encircle the choking person’s abdomen with their arms, forming a fist with one hand and wrapping the other hand around it. The technique requires forceful and swift upward and inward movements of the hands, repeated in sets of five until the obstruction is removed.

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