Secret Service Guarding Biden’s Granddaughter Open Fire

Secret Service Opens Fire After SUV Holding Biden's Granddaughter Swarmed

( – There was a stir in the nation’s capital when Secret Service agents — responsible for guarding President Joe Biden’s granddaughter, Naomi Biden — took action against a group trying to break into an unmarked Secret Service vehicle.

On a late Sunday night out in Georgetown, three individuals made an attempt to break the window of an unoccupied Secret Service SUV, catching the attention of the agents who were with Naomi Biden. Without further ado, one of the agents fired their weapon, though fortunately, no one was injured, the Secret Service confirmed.

The trio, having failed in their attempted breach, swiftly fled the scene in a red car. The Secret Service immediately alerted the Metropolitan Police, issuing a regional lookout for the individuals.

This incident adds to the growing concerns about the surge in criminal activities in Washington this year. Shockingly, there have been over 750 carjackings and a staggering 6,000 reported cases of stolen vehicles in the area. Even prominent figures like US Rep. Henry Cuellar experienced a carjacking last month near the Capitol.

Violent crimes in Washington have also seen a distressing spike, surging by over 40% in comparison to the previous year. This rise in crime has put various individuals, including politicians like Rep. Angie Craig, at risk. Craig herself faced an assault incident earlier in the year in her apartment building, escaping with bruises but narrowly missing serious injury.

The Secret Service has vowed to stay on high alert, ensuring the safety of those they are tasked to protect. Investigations into the attempted break-in and subsequent shooting by the agent are ongoing, with both the Metropolitan Police Department and the Secret Service closely scrutinizing the details of the case.

Naomi Biden, 29, who married Peter Neal last year at the White House — making history as the first granddaughter of a president to wed at that venue — reportedly wasn’t present during the attempted intrusion.

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