Schiff Under Fire for Questionable Earmarks

Schiff Under Fire for Questionable Earmarks

( – According to a Politico September 25 report, California Democratic representative Adam Schiff directed millions in tax money to major defense companies that backed his Congressional campaigns. Many believe this is a corruption case that could affect his political career.

Politico’s discovery of the Democratic leader’s use of earmarks happened after he attacked his Senate primary rival, Katie Porter, who is also a California Democrat. Schiff blasted her for opposing pork-barrel spending while boasting about how he managed to secure critical funding for homeless and drug recovery programs through his earmark spending.

Members of the House of Representatives usually use earmarks to bring tax money back to their states or districts and use it to improve communities and even to fund different types of local projects. However, some of them abuse the process and end up using this tax money as kickbacks to major firms in exchange for contributions to their election campaigns.

In 2010, the GOP majority in control of the Congress enacted some sweeping reforms, including one related to the earmark process. As reported by Politico, numerous earmarks Schiff requested prior to that year would be officially barred in today’s new rules.

The media outlet noted that one of the firms involved in Schiff’s case is PMA Group, which represented many of the defense companies for which he secured funds. The report explained this was taking place at the same time these companies were contributing thousands of dollars to the Democratic leader’s campaigns. US Authorities sentenced PMA Group owner Paul Magliocchetti to 27 months in prison in 2011 because of his role in a massive scheme to avoid campaign contribution limits.

Following the Politico report, Republican Florida Representative Anna Paulina Luna filed a motion to fine Schiff and even expel him from the House of Representatives. The motion ultimately collapsed as GOP Kentucky Representative Thomas Massie opposed this move.

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