RFK Jr. Surges After Ditching Dems

RFK Jr. Surges After Ditching Dems

(WatchDogReport.org) – Robert F. Kennedy Jr. made a bold move on Monday, October 9, announcing his switch from a Democrat to an independent. This has seemingly injected fresh energy into his unconventional run for the White House.

In a passionate declaration to a crowd of supporters in Philadelphia, Kennedy stated, “I’m here to declare myself an independent candidate.” He went on to emphasize his need to break away not only from the Democratic Party but from all political establishments.

Kennedy had been challenging President Biden from within the Democratic Party for months. However, with the 2024 Election Day a little over a year away, his decision to run as an independent sets the stage for a showdown with both Biden and the current Republican frontrunner and likely candidate, former President Trump. He’s banking on his anti-establishment stance to resonate with voters who are disenchanted with partisan politics and seek an alternative to the expected Biden-Trump matchup next November.

While Kennedy comes from a well-known liberal family, he’s distanced himself from that brand, garnering more support and funding from conservatives than from his traditional Democratic base. He has criticized the Democratic National Committee, accusing it of favoring Biden and essentially rigging the race in the president’s favor.

As discontentment within the Democratic and Republican parties grew, Kennedy’s campaign hinted at a possible party change leading up to the announcement. Democrats are concerned that his campaign could siphon votes away from Biden, while Republicans worry that he might detract from Trump’s support.

Polling data suggests that Kennedy could attract considerable attention. A Reuters/Ipsos poll shows him with 14 percent support among likely voters, a significant share when compared to Trump’s 40 percent and Biden’s 38 percent. The political landscape seems ripe for an independent candidate who can bridge the divide and provide an alternative choice.

Kennedy believes this is the time for an independent to triumph, and he may be right. Within mere hours of announcing his party swap, Kennedy raked in over $11 million in donations for his campaign.

His decision to switch to independent status, however, hasn’t been without controversy. He’s faced criticism from conservatives, but notably, Democrats have remained largely silent in response to his decision.

The dynamics of the 2024 election have taken an interesting turn with Kennedy’s change of status. His blend of outsider politics and a famous name make him a formidable independent candidate. However, whether he can effectively disrupt the two-party system remains to be seen. Regardless, he’s determined to reshape the narrative, declaring that this time, the independent is going to win.

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