Republicans Sink Impeachment Efforts

Republicans Sink Impeachment Efforts

( – Nineteen Republicans killed Georgia GOP Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene’s resolution to impeach the Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorka. Eight of those GOP lawmakers sided with Democrats to vote against the impeachment, while 11 missed the vote. The final result was 209-201.

The Republicans who voted against the resolution were Mike Turner from Ohio, Tom McClintock, John Duarte and Darrell Issa from California, Virginia Foxx and Patrick McHenry from North Carolina, Ken Buck from Colorado, and Cliff Bentz from Oregon.

The vote took place five days before a possible government shutdown, which sparked private grumbling among some GOP leaders that Greene’s resolution was badly timed. The Georgia representative filed the resolution on November 9, which forced it to come to a vote for consideration within two legislative days.

On November 10, Green suggested that she thought the GOP leadership was conspiring to sink her resolution. She hinted they were planning to do it either by referring it to a committee or by tabling it. Ahead of the November 13 vote, she warned Republicans that siding with Democrats was the same as voting “against impeachment.”

After sending the resolution to the committee, Greene added that she could force the vote again, predicting the eight GOP leaders who sided with Democrats would come under pressure from Republican voters to change their position. The Georgia representative explained that many of their voters would be “extremely angry” with their decision of “defending” the DHS secretary and supporting liberals.

While Mayorkas was viewed as one of the main impeachment targets for Republicans, various reports revealed that the effort has been fading because the sweeping investigations against the Biden family have absorbed their attention.

In addition to Democratic lawmakers, some Republicans have publicly criticized Greene’s impeachment efforts, arguing that the disagreements with the secretary don’t amount to high crimes or misdemeanors. One of these was Buck, who said on his Twitter account that the impeachment process is a constitutional mechanism that can’t be used to address policy negligence.

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