Rally Breaks Records as Demonstrators March for Israel

Rally Breaks Records as Demonstrators March for Israel

(WatchDogReport.org) – The November 14 “March for Israel,” which was held at the National Mall in Washington, DC, broke records after reaching nearly 300,000 participants. Organizers said the number of people who were part of the rally was three times more than what they expected, and noted the march became the largest pro-Israel gathering in the United States history.

According to different reports, the rally was considerably larger than the pro-Israel events organized in the country after the second Intifada in 2002. It was even bigger than the massive rally celebrated in 1987 to support the Jewish communities who were trying to escape from the Soviet Union.

The March for Israel was attended by numerous politicians from all parties. Religious leaders, Israeli artists, and some Hollywood celebrities were also part of the event, delivering speeches and expressing their support for the Israeli government in its war against Hamas.

Progressive CNN analyst Van Jones also attended the rally and even delivered a speech along with conservative pastor John Hagee. The moment was caught on video and became viral on social media, as many of the attendees booed Jones when he said that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu should stop bombing innocent Palestinians in Gaza.

House Speaker and Louisiana Republican Mike Johnson was cheered by the crowd after rejecting a ceasefire and claiming that the United States would remain Israel’s main ally. The rally was organized by the Major American Jewish Organizations.

Some media outlets reported that people’s interest in being part of the march was so great that many buses to the capital city ran out of seats, as numerous Jewish communities in the country hired many of them. Some flights to Washington, DC, from multiple American cities were also sold out.

The rally took place in the wake of Israel’s war against the Palestinian terrorist group following its attack on the Jewish state on October 7. Since then, an outbreak of antisemitism has spread across the United States and other Western nations.

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