Parents Outraged as The Satanic Temple Targets Elementary School

Parents Outraged as The Satanic Temple Targets Elementary School

( – An uproar hit Memphis, Tennessee, as The Satanic Temple declared plans for an “After School Satan Club” at Chimneyrock Elementary School, stirring tensions among parents and guardians.

Scheduled to debut on January 10, 2024, at Chimneyrock Elementary School, this club was greenlit by the school district, citing adherence to the principles of the First Amendment.

The Satanic Temple, hailing from Massachusetts, intends to inaugurate this club, portraying “Satan” as a symbolic entity and pledging not to indoctrinate children but to encourage independent thinking. Their activities, outlined on the flier, revolve around the Seven Fundamental Tenets of the Satanic Temple, advocating a scientific, non-superstitious outlook. The flier from The Satanic Temple has made it clear that the event is neither supported nor funded by Memphis-Shelby County Schools.

Though legally allowed access to school facilities after hours, this move has sparked parental outrage, with some expressing dismay at the club’s presence in an elementary setting. Courtney Dennis, a concerned father, expressed his dissent, stating, “I think it needs to be held somewhere else and not a school.”

June Everett, the national campaign director for the “After School Satan Club,” highlighted that their presence in schools is contingent upon the existence of other religious clubs. She stressed that Chimneyrock parents initiated the invitation.

The group highlights the presence of a Christian club at Chimneyrock Elementary School and asserts their legal entitlement to have a club at the school during non-school hours.

While the organization emphasizes its non-theistic approach, separating itself from the Church of Satan, grandparents like Jenny Kincaid remain astounded, exclaiming, “I just don’t understand – this is an elementary school, and they’re letting a Satanic club come in here?”

Despite concerns, Everett defended the club’s activities, emphasizing scientific and craft-oriented engagements aiming for community-focused initiatives.

The Satanic Temple’s foray into Chimneyrock Elementary marks its fifth active club in the country this year, invoking discussions on freedom of expression within school boundaries. The club’s inauguration on January 10 awaits parental permission, although no permission slips have been sent home.

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