Noem Doubles Down on Dog Shooting Defense, Makes Shocking Suggestion

( – South Dakota Republican Governor Kristi Noem has been the center of controversy after admitting to killing her dog Cricket years ago after it became a danger to her children. During a recent interview, the governor doubled down on defending her actions and made a rather startling suggestion.

During an interview with CBS’ “Face the Nation,” Noem was asked about a passage at the end of her upcoming memoir, No Going Back, suggesting Joe Biden’s dog Commander would say hello to Cricket if she made it into the White House (presumably as Trump’s VP). Host Margaret Brennan asked if the governor believed she was being too violent in suggesting that Commander should be put down.

The Republican leader responded that taking such an action against Commander would have been the right move as the canine had attacked 24 members of the Secret Service and had anger issues. She also asked host Brennan how many innocents had to suffer more injuries from the animal before Biden would do what was right in such a delicate situation. Noem added that’s a question that the commander-in-chief must be “held accountable to.”

Following those remarks, Brennan asked the governor if she believed that President Biden’s dog must be shot. The Republican leader reiterated that it was a question for which the commander-in-chief must be held accountable.

According to White House documents released back in February, Commander bit and attacked members of the Secret two dozen times from October 2022 to June 2023. Biden administration personnel have said on numerous occasions that Commander’s main issue seemed to be high levels of stress, which makes him attack people he’s not familiar with.

The governor, who many political analysts have suggested could end up becoming former President and GOP nominee Donald Trump’s running mate, has faced extreme backlash over the interview, with many taking to X (formerly Twitter) to express their dismay.

Following the revelation she shot her dog, many believe Noem is now far too controversial a figure to be selected by Trump as VP. With many on both sides of the aisle angry over the situation, it would appear not only did the governor shoot her pet, but also shot her political aspirations right in the foot.

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