Mayorkas Defies Impeachment Articles, Claims They Are ‘False’

Mayorkas Defies Impeachment Articles, Claims He Won't Testify

( – Alejandro Mayorkas, the secretary of homeland security, has defended himself against articles of impeachment, calling the accusations “false” and pushing Congress to pass legislation to improve the immigration laws in the United States. He has also vowed not to testify at any impeachment hearings previously.

The House Homeland Security Committee will mark the articles before being brought to the House floor for a vote. If the Senate, controlled by Democrats, votes for Mayorkas to be removed, it would be the first Cabinet member to be ousted in almost 150 years. Under the two articles of impeachment, Mayorkas is charged with a willful, systematic defiance of immigration law and breaching the public trust.

In a response to Chairman Mark Green (R-TN), Mayorkas addressed the charges and assured Green that his bogus charges do not concern him or take him away from his work in law enforcement or the more prominent public service goal.

Democrats on the House Homeland Security Committee claimed in their 29-page report that the impeachment attempt is a total waste of time, pointing out that it does not include any charges that would establish treason, bribery, or other serious crimes and misdemeanors, which would be the constitutional basis for the cabinet secretary’s removal.

A record number of undocumented immigrants provides the backdrop for his removal. Republicans maintain that this is not an accident but a policy that would be unconstitutional. The vote on the resolution to impeach the secretary passed in an 18-15 decision.

The Department of Homeland Security and Democrats have resisted the impeachment attempt, arguing it is politically driven. The agency expressed its disapproval of the impeachment articles on Sunday, stating that they were a distraction from other vital national security priorities and the work Congress should be doing to fix our broken immigration laws.

The right maintains that the term “fix our broken immigration laws” is code for “open the borders,” and any concern over the tremendous influx of migrants is disingenuous.

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