Mayor Blows Billions Catering to Illegal Immigrants

( – Democratic New York City Mayor Eric Adams has reportedly committed another $2.6 million of New York’s budget to a controversial program, which gives prepaid credit cards to illegal immigrants. The city spent $1.47 billion in the 2023 fiscal year and $2.72 billion in the 2024 fiscal year on asylum seeker-related expenses.

In February 2024, Adams’ administration rolled out a $53 million pilot scheme to help migrants. Under the program, families of illegal immigrants housed in luxurious hotels were given prepaid credit cards. Mobility Capital Finance managed the program, which aimed to allow migrants to purchase essential supplies and groceries more easily.

Given that New York City, along with other Democratic-run Sanctuary Cities, has been overburdened with unprecedented numbers of illegal immigrants, Adams has criticized President Joe Biden’s handling of the border crisis and some of the government’s immigration policies.

In February, the mayor called for an end to sanctuary city laws, which prevent Immigration and Customs Enforcement from communicating with local officials to detain and deport illegal immigrants. Adams argued that it should be made easier for ICE to deport those accused of serious and violent crimes.

In March, Adams said there needed to be a “decompression strategy” to more evenly distribute migrants throughout the country rather than overwhelming specific cities. He argued that cities should not be dealing with a nationwide crisis of such magnitude. The mayor has continually praised the city’s efforts, arguing that it has done its best to handle the crisis despite being overwhelmed while providing asylum seekers with the support they need.

Under the continuing prepaid credit card program, the sum on the cards will differ depending on the income and size of the family using it. A family of four could receive $35 each day or up to $1,000 a month. The cards will be topped up every four weeks. Adams’ spokesperson, Kayla Mamelak, claimed that the program would allow the city to save over $600,000 each month that would otherwise be spent on providing the migrants with food.

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