Mayor Adams Sued Over Budget Cuts

Mayor Adams Sued Over Budget Cuts

( – New York City teachers’ union sued Mayor Eric Adams on December 21 in an effort to block his planned cuts to the Big Apple’s public schools. The United Federation of Teachers warned that the steep budget reductions that the Democratic leader is proposing will weaken some of the primary education initiatives in the city and would even violate state law.

The lawsuit against Adams rests on a state law that prohibits the city from reducing school spending unless there’s a significant decline in overall revenue. The suit also alleges that the mid-year education cuts are illegal because New York City outperformed revenue expectations in 2023. It also pointed out that the cuts would create “irreparable damages” to after-school programs, special needs students, and universal prekindergarten.

According to different reports, the liberal mayor has been arguing that slashing New York City spending is necessary to offset the massive cost of the Big Apple’s migrant crisis. However, the union accused him of exaggerating New York City’s fiscal problems to have the “perfect excuse” to impose a “blunt austerity measure” that is not only “unnecessary” but also “illegal.”

During a press conference, union’s President Michael Mulgrew said that the city has entered into an “episode” that is going to be “ugly” and “difficult” because of what Adams is trying to “push through.” He also told reporters that the Big Apple never had an administration that tried to cut its schools at a moment when its revenues and reserves “are all up.”

In another press conference, Adams tried to downplay the lawsuits against him by touting his good relationships with New York City’s unions. He said he understood the current situation and explained that sometimes “friends” can disagree. The mayor also told reporters that these disputes can sometimes end in a courtroom or a boardroom.

While Adams has recognized the cuts will be “painful” for every New Yorker, he urged city residents to hold the Biden administration accountable for not doing enough to address the current migrant crisis.

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