Leaked Audio Gives Hints to Trump’s VP Choice

(WatchDogReport.org) – A controversial audio recording leak revealed the thoughts of former President and presidential nominee Donald Trump about his possible picks for vice president in the 2024 presidential election. The audio was recorded at a high-profile GOP private lunch at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Mansion in Florida. Some of the attendees included important GOP donors and most of Trump’s contenders for the position. His leading picks for a vice president include not only former GOP presidential candidates but also governors and leaders of the legislative branch.

In the audio, the former commander-in-chief could be heard saying that a political leader “I love” was South Dakota Republican Governor Krist Noem. Trump explained that the reason why he could pick her as his running mate is not only because she’s a good politician but also because she has been one of his main supporters “for a long time.”

Trump also shared some words about House Conference Chair Elisa Stefanik, as he explained that she’s a “smart person.” In the audio, Trump could be heard talking about South Carolina Republican Tim Scott, of whom he said that he has proven to be one of the most efficient politicians in the GOP. He added Scott did a “good job” as a presidential candidate and an “unbelievable” job as a surrogate.

The Republican nominee also discussed Florida Senator Marco Rubio, saying that many media outlets and political analysts have been saying that he could be the proper vice president choice. Trump could also be heard praising Tennessee Republican Senator Marsha Blackburn and even Utah Republican Senator Mike Lee.

While he mentioned many other GOP political leaders in the audio, he didn’t say anything about conservative entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, who was believed to be Trump’s favorite option for running mate. The former president is expected to officially announce who will be his vice president on July 15 at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

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