JonBenet Ramsey Update: Father Claims Police

( – The day after Christmas in 1996, the body of 6-year-old JonBenet Ramsey was discovered in the basement of her home. The child had been beaten and strangled with a garrote. Roughly 28 years later, the killer has yet to be identified. The girl’s father, John Ramsey, recently dropped a bombshell regarding the police in Boulder, Colorado, where the family lived at the time of the murder.

Initially, the Boulder Department of Police (BDP) said that Ramsey and his wife Patsy were the main suspects; both were eventually excluded.

On May 31, the grief-stricken father claimed that some police officers had made outrageous comments about him during a recent panel of unsolved crimes in the country. During an interview with Fox News, Ramsey said many police officers want him to stop pushing for the case to be solved and stop asking uncomfortable questions. He explained that he even heard that an officer told a journalist that they were waiting for him “to die” so the “pressure” could finally go away.

Despite the comments, Ramsey told the conservative network he’s not planning to go anywhere and will keep pushing until his daughter’s case is solved once and for all. He added that if he dies and the police haven’t delivered the murder to justice, his son, John Ramsey, will replace him and keep fighting for his sister’s memory.

Paula Woodward, a writer and investigative reporter who has been covering the 6-year-old girl’s death, confirmed to Fox News that some officers said that they were waiting for Ramsey’s death. She explained that she was with him at a panel, talking about the case, when some BDP officers made the remarks.

Woodward explained that she has been working with the Ramsey family over the last few decades to solve the crime and bring justice to the little girl. She added she communicates regularly with Ramsey to provide progress reports or updates on the case.

Since her death, Ramsey has been pushing for police to allow an independent company of forensic genetic genealogy to conduct a DNA test on the items found at the crime scene. He has also pushed for the department to give the case to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

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