Israel Recovers the Bodies of More Hostages

( – The Israeli military announced on May 24 that officers recovered the corpses of the three hostages that were killed by the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas on October 7. That day, the radical Islamist organization executed an attack on Jewish soil where they killed over 1,000 people and kidnapped hundreds in what was referred to as the worst massacre of Jews in a single day since the Holocaust.

On his Twitter account, Israel military’s Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari published a statement where he detailed that the bodies soldiers found were the ones of Orion Hernandez Radoux, Michel Nisenbaum, and Hanan Yablonka. He also said their families were notified about the tragic recovery.

Hagari added that investigators determined that they were brutally killed by Hamas terrorists at the Mefalsim intersection, with their corpses being taken into the Gaza Strip. The Israeli Armed Forces have been saying there are still 100 hostages captive in Gaza and that the bodies of more are still there waiting to be recovered.

In a public letter, Hostages Families Forum Headquarters, which is the group that represents every single family of the hostages taken by Hamas in Israel, said that the recovery of the three bodies reminds everyone about the need for negotiation. The group added that the Israeli government must strike a deal with Hamas so they can return every single hostage home.

On social media, some journalists explained that Radoux and Yablonka were taken hostage and eventually killed after attending a music festival in Israel when the terrorists attacked. Nisenbaum was captured by Hamas and ultimately killed after he tried to rescue his granddaughter and his father, who were at the Re’im kibbutz during the attack.

In a statement, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that he and his wife, Sarah, wanted to express their grief and send their condolences to the victims’ families. He added he would make a considerable effort to rescue all of the remaining hostages.

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