Israel Accused of Ignoring Intelligence Warnings

Israel Accused of Ignoring Intelligence Warnings

( – According to an October 9 report from The Associated Press, Israel’s failure to anticipate the terrorist attacks committed by Hamas came after Egyptian intelligence allegedly warned that “something big” could happen anytime soon. Speaking under condition of anonymity, an intelligence officer from Egypt told the news agency that even repeatedly warning the Mossad about this situation, Israeli officials ignored the information.

The officer explained that they warned Israel that “an explosion of the situation” was about to happen and noted this would be massive. However, the person pointed out that the Israeli officials repeatedly underestimated the warnings. The Associated Press said that the Egyptian officer serves as one of Egypt’s official mediators between Hamas and Israel.

When asked why he believes Israel ignored this threat, the Egyptian insider told the news agency this was because Israeli officials were mainly focused on the rise of violence that the West Bank has experienced lately. He also said that the Mossad consistently dismissed the warnings provided by the Egyptian intelligence by claiming the reports were nothing more than “fake news.”

Following The Associated Press’ report, the office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that what the article said was “absolutely false.” In its Twitter account, the office said that Netanyahu never received any message in advance from the Egyptian intelligence.

A former national security advisor to the prime minister, Yaakov Amidror, said that the terrorist attack perpetrated by Hamas represented a “major failure” from Israeli intelligence and security. He told The Associated Press that what Hamas did is the greatest example that the intelligence abilities of the Mossad in the Gaza Strip “were no good.” Amidror added that “lessons must be learned” when the war against Hamas succeeds.

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