Iran Launches Missile Attack Against Target in Iraq

Iran Launches Missile Attack Against Target in Iraq

( – The Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guards deployed a missile attack in northern Iraq on January 15, representing the latest escalation of hostilities in the different armed conflicts that are taking place in the Middle East. Iranian officials said that the attack was aimed at a spy base for Israel’s primary intelligence agency, Mossad, in Erbil —- the capital of the Kurdistan Region.

In a statement, Iran’s Revolutionary Guards said it executed the attacks in response to previous Israeli attacks that killed members of the Iranian resistance front and some of its main commanders. It added that the strikes managed to destroy one of Mossad’s “main espionage headquarters” in the Middle East, which was used to develop spying operations and terrorist attacks in Iran and other countries around the region.

In a press conference in Iraq’s capital, Baghdad, Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein said that Mossad never had any center operating in Erbil. He also claimed that the Iranian strikes were a clear “violation of international law,” and noted that he would personally file a complaint letter to the United Nations Security Council. Hussein also told reporters that the Iranian regime knows it cannot attack Israel, which he says is the reason why they search for other “victims.”

According to different reports, a large villa that belonged to one of the leading businessmen in Kurdistan was utterly destroyed after the attack, leaving an unconfirmed number of casualties. It remains unclear whether the villa was an intended target.

In a statement, the Security Council of the Kurdistan Region noted that four civilians were killed in the attack, and six innocents were severely injured. It added that what Iran did was a “blatant violation” that undermines Iraq and the Kurdistan Region’s sovereignty.

The strikes were condemned by the United Kingdom and the United States, along with other Western nations that claimed Iran is deliberately escalating the conflict in the Middle East.

Shortly after the strikes in Iraq, Iran launched similar attacks in Syria and Pakistan — all within the span of 24 hours. Pakistan, in turn, launched a missile strike in Iran, killing 9.

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