House Speaker Slams Mexican President

( – House Speaker Mike Johnson blasted Mexican left-wing President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador on March 25, as he made some recommendations for the United States on how to solve the border crisis it’s currently experiencing. The Mexican leader re-upped his suggestion that the White House must end the Cuban embargo, give Latin American and Caribbean nations $20 billion per year, grant citizenship to illegal aliens from Mexico, and scrap sanctions on Venezuela.

Lopez Obrador said that taking these measures would be the best way to restore order at the southern border and tackle the migrant crisis. In response, Johnson said in a statement that allowing the left-wing dictatorships of Cuba and Venezuela to have the reins of the Western Hemisphere’s security would destabilize the region even more and “increase illegal immigration” as a result. The House Speaker added that providing mass amnesty will expand the human trafficking operations of Mexican cartels.

The Mexican president offered the controversial suggestions during an interview with CBS’ 60 Minutes, where he attacked Johnson’s efforts to revive the Remain in Policy, which was created and executed during the Trump administration. During the interview, Lopez Obrador was also presented with a video that Johnson did earlier this year, where he recounted a conversation with President Joe Biden on the policy. While the commander-in-chief told the House Speaker that the Mexican government didn’t want to revive it, Johnson recalled telling him that Mexico “will do” what the United States says.

After watching the video, Lopez Obrador said that Johnson was wrong and disrespectful, adding that Mexico is a free and independent country instead of a colony or a protectorate of a foreign nation. He said that while Mexico currently has a “very good relationship” with the United States, he claimed it’s “not one of subordination.”

In his statement, the House Speaker accused the Mexican president of “coddling cartels” and claimed that the United States must use “every tool” to secure the border.

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