House Intelligence Committee Chairman Warns of Imminent Terrorist Attack

( – Republican Ohio Representative and Chairman of the US House Intelligence Committee Mike Turner recently revealed that the country is at the highest possible terrorist threat level. The Chairman claims this is a direct result of President Joe Biden’s policies. Turner’s statement comes shortly after a former CIA chief raised similar concerns about warning signs today reminiscent of those approaching the 9/11 attacks.

Mounting concerns about the national security risks caused by unprecedented numbers of border crossings have followed the arrests of eight migrants from Tajikistan accused of being linked to ISIS. The eight suspects were vetted by the Customs and Border Patrol and Department of Homeland Security, but the links to overseas ISIS targets were only flagged by FBI agents together with Immigration and Customs Enforcement once they had crossed the border into the US and freely walked the streets.

The operatives flagged “derogatory information” on the suspects and carried out surveillance of their online and private communications. One suspect even discussed making a bomb in a wiretapped conversation. Senior government officials opted to have the suspects arrested rather than continue surveillance and risk a terrorist attack. The arrests were made in Los Angeles, New York, and Philadelphia. The suspects remain in ICE custody while the counter-terrorism investigation continues.

Turner stressed the urgent need to ensure that reports on terrorism threats are “no longer speculative.” In April, FBI Director Christopher Wray highlighted the national security risks caused by record numbers of illegal border crossings. Tom Homan, ICE’s former acting director, has also warned that the immigration policies of the Biden administration could pave the way for a terrorist attack.

Homan has slated Biden as the only president to deliberately leave the border unsecured, accusing him of creating the most significant national security crisis since the attacks on the World Trade Center in 2001. Following the arrests of the eight Tajiks, a group of 21 senators led by Republican North Carolina Senator Ted Budd wrote to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas demanding answers.

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