House Approves Release Of Damning Evidence Against Hunter Biden

( – Hunter Biden reportedly lied under oath in his deposition to Congress on February 28, according to 100 pages of newly released evidence.

The House Ways and Means Committee allowed the release of the evidence that proves the president’s son lied at least three times “indisputably” when providing the sworn testimony. Two IRS whistleblowers, Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler, provided the evidence. Most of the committee’s panel voted to support the evidence’s release in an executive session behind closed doors. The damning evidence relates to a conversation the president’s son had with a Chinese business contact.

Hunter had claimed that he sent the Chinese business associate a menacing message when he was drunk or high. Phone records of the conversation with the associate Raymond Zhao reveal, however, that Zhao “knew exactly” what Hunter was driving at when demanding to speak with CEFC China Energy chairman Ye Jianming. Zhao, the CEFC’s translator, responded the next day to say that the CEFC was “willing to cooperate” with the Bidens.

In following messages with Zhao, the president’s son informed the translator that he was sitting with his father and warned that the family would “hold a grudge” if the CEFC did not deliver on a “commitment.” Jianming, a Fijian native, was detained by Chinese authorities in a crackdown on corruption in 2018. Hunter also had dealings with Jianming’s deputy, Patrick Ho, who was arrested in New York in 2017 for allegedly bribing government officials in Chad and Uganda.

Republican Missouri Representative and Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee Jason Smith slated Hunter over the findings, claiming that he believes there is one justice system for the Biden family and another for the rest of the country. Smith stressed that the president’s son refused to comply with a subpoena, risking criminal contempt in addition to lying before Congress. He added that several individuals had been prosecuted for lying under oath, which is a felony offense, in recent years and that the same should apply to the president’s son.

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