Haley Issues Dire Warning: “Mark My Words”

(WatchDogReport.org) – Former South Carolina Governor and Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley said on February 22 that former President and presidential candidate Donald Trump won’t win the presidential election if he becomes the GOP nominee. During an interview with CNN’s The Lead, Haley told host Jake Tapper that he and each of his viewers should “mark my words” when she says that Trump “will not win the general election.” She added that even when Trump could win “any primary,” he’s not strong enough to beat the person who ends up becoming the Democratic Party’s nominee.

Haley, who was the United States Ambassador to the United Nations during the Trump administration, also told Tapper that the United States will inevitably “have a female president.” When asked who it would be, Haley said it would be either her or Vice President Kamala Harris. The former South Carolina governor added that American voters can’t complain about anything that happens in the presidential election if they don’t care about what happens in the primaries.

While Haley’s campaign has exceeded expectations, numerous polls show she’s still far behind Trump, who remains the favorite to win the Republican nomination. The former president even surpasses Haley in her home state of South Carolina, with many surveys showing that Trump has 63.8 percent of support and the former governor 33.1 percent.

During an interview with The Hill’s NewsNation, Haley said that voters shouldn’t blindly believe in what the polls say. When host Blake Burman asked her to elaborate, the former governor cited many occasions where polls said she had no chance, and she still managed to deliver an unexpectedly great performance.

She cited the cases of Iowa, where she “came within one percent of second place,” and the one of New Hampshire, where she received 43 percent of the vote when many polls said she was down 30 percentage points the day of the election.

On February 24, Donald Trump soundly defeated Haley in the South Carolina primary, though she was able to get within 20 points of the former president. Former White House communications director for Trump, Alyssa Farah Griffin, said Haley’s strong performance here should serve as a warning to the GOP.

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