Gingrich Calls Out ‘Traitors,’ Says They Should Face Repercussions

Gingrich Calls Out 'Traitors,' Says They Should Face Repercussions

( – Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich recently launched heavy criticism against the Republicans who voted to dethrone Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) as House Speaker. He even went so far as to label them as “traitors.” During an interview on Fox News, Gingrich said that the eight GOP representatives responsible for his dismissal should face serious consequences.

The former Georgia representative said this was a “terrible mistake,” as 96 percent of Republicans voted in favor of McCarthy and only four percent voted to oust him. When asked what these numbers showed, Gingrich said that, from his position as a longtime conservative activist, those who are part of this four percent “are traitors.” He also claimed that each of them must be “primaried” and should eventually be driven out of public service.

Florida Republican Representative Matt Gaetz was the one who led the effort to oust McCarthy. Over the last few months, Gaetz has threatened to bring a motion to vacate his chair. In addition to the eight Republicans, every single Democratic representative voted to remove him, with a final result of 216 in favor and 210 against.

During the interview on “Hannity,” Gingrich told the Fox News host that these eight Republicans shouldn’t have joined forces with the Democrats, stating this could eventually “cause total chaos.” He noted that the GOP should only focus on President Joe Biden, the state of the economy, and the border crisis.

Gingrich stated he believes some Republicans committed a severe misstep that would now focus the media attention on the GOP’s “disarray.” The former House Speaker also said this is nothing more than an “astonishingly destructive behavior” by a bunch of “egocentric” representatives who believe they are somehow “superior” to the other 96 percent.

The same day of the interview with Fox News, Gingrich published an op-ed in The Washington Post, where he said that Gaetz should be immediately expelled from the House of Representatives. He argued that the Florida representative has become a “destructive” element to the US “conservative movement.”

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