Disgraced DA Melts Down In Court

(WatchDogReport.org) – Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis responded angrily to defense attorneys at a court hearing on February 15. The hearing involved corruption allegations regarding her relationship with the special prosecutor leading the case against former President Donald Trump and nearly two dozen other Republicans.

One of the 19 Republicans indicted for challenging the 2020 election results in Georgia, Michael Roman, filed a pretrial motion on January 8 that sought to dismiss charges against him on several grounds. Among them was the fact that Willis was romantically involved with special prosecutor Nathan Wade, who led the case and was appointed to his position by her.

In her outburst, Willis stressed that it was not her who was on trial but the Republicans in question for attempting to steal an election. She criticized what she called personal attacks on her and Wade. In her closing summary, Willis told Trump’s lawyer, Steve Sadow, details about the end of her relationship with Wade and when it occurred. She claimed that it finished before she indicted Trump in August 2023. After she investigated whether Trump and other Republicans had meddled illegally in the 2020 election, it was left up to Willis to decide how to proceed in 2023 after a special grand jury recommended several indictments, including that of Trump.

Willis became visibly agitated when questioned if Wade had ever visited her home, accusing the defense of lying. The DA became so upset the judge, Scott McAfee, was forced to try and gavel her down to no avail leading to a short recess.

The filing against Willis accused her of profiting from cruises Wade took her on using funds from his contract and called for her disqualification from overseeing the case. Wade countered these allegations by claiming that she had reimbursed Wade for money spent on two cruises in 2022 and 2023. Both Willis and Wade acknowledged the romantic nature of their relationship and denied that there was financial benefit from it.

As Willis lashed out in court, Judge Scott McAfee stressed that her testimony would be removed from the record if she continued to avoid answering the defense’s questions.

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