Democratic Governor Resorts to Begging

Democratic Governor Resorts to Begging

( – Illinois Democratic Governor JB Pritzker sent a letter to Texas Republican Governor Greg Abbott on January 12, begging him to stop shipping migrants to Chicago, as extreme cold temperatures are on their way. Pritzker also accused the conservative leader of deliberately causing chaos to make some political gains.

In the letter, the Illinois governor told Abbott that it was wrong to send buses and planes filled with migrants and asylum seekers to the Upper Midwest when most of its areas are experiencing a strong winter. Pritzker added that many of these migrants and asylum seekers are currently facing difficult times as they are arriving without proper shoes and coats to protect themselves from the snow at a moment when shelters are overfilled.

The democratic leader also accused the Texas governor of not having any interest in finding a “bipartisan solution” to the border crisis that the country has been experiencing over the last few years, as it would end his “political game.” At the end of the letter, Pritzker asked Abbott to appeal to his “humanity” and stop sending migrants.

The Texas governor started to send buses with migrants to Chicago in September 2022. In a written statement, he said he was forced to take the step because of the Biden administration’s inaction at the US southern border, which Abbott claimed was putting the lives of many Texan and American communities at risk. He added that to provide relief to the border towns, Chicago and some other sanctuary cities like New York City were going to be drop-off locations for illegal immigrants.

In November 2023, Abbott detailed the number of asylum seekers and migrants he has sent to the different sanctuary cities across the country. He said that over 1,100 were sent to Los Angeles, over 5,700 to Denver, more than 3,200 to Philadelphia, 22,600 to New York City, over 18,000 to Chicago, and over 12,500 to Washington, DC.

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