Comedian Sarah Silverman Utterly Destroys Socialist Organization She Used to Support

Comedian Sarah Silverman Utterly Destroys Socialist Organization She Used to Support

( – Comedian Sarah Silverman didn’t hold back when she recently lashed out at the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), a group she was a proud lifetime member of. Silverman’s evisceration of the DSA came after the organization blamed Israel for the recent terrorist attacks by Hamas. The 52-year-old actress took to Instagram to express her frustration, sharing a screenshot of the DSA National Political Committee’s statement expressing solidarity with Palestine and accusing Israel of causing the violence.

In her passionate response, Silverman made it clear that she was a former member of the organization, stating, “DSA of which I was a proud lifetime member has lost me forever.” She criticized the group for posting their statement 11 hours before, emphasizing the severe human cost of the conflict — including the deaths of innocent people — many of whom had been protesting against Netanyahu and the occupation.

Despite her disassociation from the Democratic Socialists of America and previous support of the organization, Silverman stressed that she still identifies as a democratic socialist, mentioning her support for Senator Bernie Sanders. However, she made it clear that the DSA’s stance did not align with her own, calling the group “an arrogant, ignorant, piece of sh*t group” and telling them, “Fu*k you and goodbye forever.”

In addition to her text post, Silverman shared videos and photos of the devastation in Israel to raise awareness. She also posted statements from other individuals who advocated for understanding the complexity of the situation and the importance of not losing sympathy for either side.

Silverman, who has previously spoken out against anti-Semitism, joined other celebrities in expressing their thoughts on the ongoing conflict. The situation has been marked by a devastating loss of life, with casualties reported in both Israel and Gaza, as well as people taken hostage by Hamas. The conflict has raised concerns worldwide, prompting calls for peace and the protection of innocent lives.

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