Biden Furiously Slams Florida, Trump Over Abortion Ban

( – President Joe Biden has slated Florida after its Supreme Court voted to allow a six-week abortion ban already supported in the state’s legislature.

Biden specifically blamed the approval of the ban on former President Donald Trump, blasting him for boasting about overturning Roe v. Wade during his presidency. Biden stated that the Trump administration’s policies on abortion had paved the way for “extreme” bans, such as the one passed in Florida. The Democrat suggested that his rival in the 2024 presidential election is “worried” about being held accountable in November for the “chaos” and “cruelty” brought about by his policies.

On May 1, Biden posted a video on X (formerly Twitter) attacking the ex-president’s “anti-freedom agenda” after Trump announced that he would allow individual states to decide on whether to prosecute women for terminating pregnancies.

Though Trump’s position on abortion has changed over time and shown a degree of pragmatism, Biden suggested that Trump would happily sign off a national ban on IVF treatments. Trump said otherwise in statements following Alabama’s decision in February to class frozen embryos as human beings. He clarified his support for IVF treatment and said it should be easier, not harder, to have children.

Biden also argued that the government should “get out of people’s lives” and let women make their own decisions, despite having introduced health care mandates in 2021 for the federal workforce and larger employers. The Biden administration has also come under fire for its aggressive online censorship and cooperation with Big Tech companies to clamp down on so-called misinformation on social media.

Vice President Kamala Harris made plans to travel to Florida to confront the state over the new law on abortion, which was signed by Republican Governor Ron DeSantis in April 2023. Democratic National Committee Chair Jaime Harrison warned that, if re-elected, Trump would take the ban on abortion even further and enforce a nationwide ban regardless of the level of opposition in Congress.

The DNC blamed “MAGA extremists” for the new law, which it dubbed “Trump’s Extreme Florida Abortion Ban.” DeSantis recently attacked a proposed constitutional amendment set to appear on the November ballot that would limit the government’s ability to interfere with abortions, calling it “very, very extreme” in several ways.

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