Biden Confused Again, Suffers Another Mix Up

Biden Confused Again, Suffers Another Mix Up

( – The number of gaffes committed by President Joe Biden is mounting too high for even the most ardent supporter to continue ignoring. During a Thursday speech in North Carolina promoting Bidenomics, Biden accidentally mistook a lady with whom he had taken a selfie for North Carolina Democratic Representative Deborah Ross. The identity of the lady he photographed remains a mystery.

Biden explained away the brain fog by saying he got “mixed up,” which is an unfortunate admission for a person with critical responsibilities.

While speaking at an event in Raleigh on the bipartisan infrastructure bill of 2021, Biden, 81, asked where Ross was in the room. He insisted he just took a photo with her and joked that is “probably why she left.”

A few moments later, he admitted being confused, remembering Ross was in Washington. Later in his speech, he referred to the US as a “major company” instead of a “major country.”

In 2022, Biden made a similar gaffe when he scanned the attendees at an event for the late Rep. Jackie Walorski (R-Ind.) He asked, “Where’s Jackie?” after having called her family and ordered the flags to be lowered one month before to honor her memory.

Republicans have openly criticized Biden for his age and questioned his mental competence since he took office. Even among Democrats, the president’s ability to safely lead the country has become an issue due to these recurring gaffes. Biden is the oldest president in U.S. history at 81 years of age.

In light of Biden’s probable rematch with former President Trump in November, polls reveal widespread anxiety about his mental acuity. The percentage of swing-state voters who believe Biden is “too elderly to be a successful president” is 71%, according to a November survey by the New York Times. Sixty-one percent of voters in the same survey said Trump had enough vitality to serve as president.

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