Arrest Warrant Issued For Foreign Ex-President

( – A court in the Central African Republic, backed by international authorities, issued an international arrest warrant on May 1 for the nation’s former President Francis Bozize over systematic human rights abuses from 2009 to 2013. In a press conference, the court’s spokesman, Gervais Bodagy, explained that the warrant was for several crimes committed by the political leader at a military center facility and a civilian prison at Bossembelem.

Bodagy told reporters that authorities tortured prisoners and killed many of them at both sites. He also said that the warrant against Bozize covered numerous crimes committed by many security forces at his command, including the presidential guard.

The former president is currently exiled in Guinea-Bissau, as he was one of the closest allies of the country’s authoritarian leader, Umaro Sissoco, who had said on numerous occasions that his nation doesn’t allow extradition. Political analysts have said the situation will make it difficult for the Special Criminal Court to bring Bozize to justice, adding that it could probably end up in political chaos as the former president still has many supporters.

The main goal of the court, which was set up in the Central African Republic’s capital, Bangui, is to try all types of war and human rights crimes committed during the numerous coups that have been executed in the nation since 2003. While the court was officially created back in 2015, it took many years to start operating as authorities imposed legal restrictions. In some statements, Human Rights Watch has said that the creation of the creation would represent a turning point in the nation’s justice system.

Bozize seized the country’s presidency after a coup d’etat in 2003. His years of violence and oppression ended after the Muslim Seleka terrorists also seized power, which led to a brutal civil war between them and Christian militias. The United Nations has claimed that numerous atrocities have been committed in the war, including the use of child soldiers.

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