Protest Group Aims to Make Biden a One-Term “Example”

( – The “uncommitted” protest movement aims to make Biden a one-term “example” for other Democrats due to his handling of the Gaza conflict, according to a leader of the group.

Lexis Zeidan, spokesperson and one of the chief organizers of Listen to Michigan, told Fox News Digital that Congresspeople who are not pro-Palestine or supportive of ceasefires will see their positions threatened.

The group is focusing on spreading its message nationwide, and the Detroit suburb of Dearborn is a crucial center of resistance against Biden and his policies in the Middle East. In Michigan’s primary, over 100,000 voters marked “uncommitted” instead of supporting Biden as the Democratic candidate on their ballots. Zeidan commented that the number exceeded the movement’s expectations.

In Minnesota’s Democratic primary, 19% of votes were uncommitted, and in Hawaii, 29% of the votes were uncommitted. However, the remaining opportunities for the movement to make such a statement are limited. Washington’s primary may be the last significant chance for voters to stress their opposition to the Biden administration’s policies in Gaza.

Critics of the uncommitted movement have argued it will only benefit Republicans. It has raked in half a million dollars to finance its efforts to pressure Biden to support a ceasefire.

Biden has come under criticism from both Pro-Palestine and Pro-Israel camps after the U.S. allowed the U.N. to pass a revised ceasefire resolution that no longer required the release of Israeli hostages as a prerequisite. Netanyahu canceled a scheduled Washington visit as a result, and accusations that Israel is committing war crimes against Palestinian civilians combined with mounting pressure from left-wing activists to support a ceasefire have highlighted the increased tension between the two allies.

The Movement Voter Project is the biggest donor to Listen to Us, the uncommitted national organization, and has contributed $160,000 to support the plan’s progress. The group’s second biggest donor is reportedly the Michigan-based political group Arab Americans for Progress. In response to criticism from some Democrats that the initiative could drive voters away from Biden and toward former president Donald Trump, the group’s organizers stressed that the group is not “anti-Biden” but instead focused strictly on pressuring the incumbent president to alter his position on the Gaza conflict.

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