Director Wray Confirms America’s Worst Fears

Director Wray Confirms America's Worst Fears

( – FBI Director Christopher Wray confirmed to legislators that terrorists who are illegal aliens entered the United States via the southern border with Mexico. During a House Homeland Security Committee hearing, Wray acknowledged that individuals on the government’s “Terrorist Watch List” had managed to enter the country through the U.S.-Mexico border. He revealed that the FBI is actively seeking these illegal alien terrorists who are currently in the U.S.

In an exchange with Rep. August Pfluger (R-TX), Wray expressed on X (Twitter) that it’s a constantly evolving situation in response to a question about individuals matching the Terror Watch List who were apprehended by Customs and Border Protection (CBP). He stated that the FBI is indeed looking for individuals who are the subject of terrorism investigations, acknowledging that there are people being sought after by the FBI in the United States.

This revelation by Wray aligns with recent data from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) indicating encounters with 13 illegal aliens on the Terrorist Watch List at the border in October. This number exceeds the combined total of apprehensions from 2018 to 2020 during the tenure of former President Donald Trump.

Notably, an illegal alien wanted for terrorism in Senegal was released into the U.S. by Biden’s DHS after border crossing. Following the release, the FBI alerted DHS about the alien’s terrorist background. Later, the person was apprehended close to One World Trade Center in New York City and is currently under the custody of the Department of Homeland Security, awaiting deportation.

In the meantime, the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) has filed a lawsuit against Biden’s DHS, claiming that they have been holding back information regarding about 300 illegal alien terrorists encountered at the border since early 2021. A recent DHS memo underscored the growing national security threat from terrorism across the border, forecasting continued high migrant encounters over the upcoming year.

This ongoing issue emphasizes the pressing concern of national security, urging authorities to address and manage the threat posed by border-crossing terrorists effectively.

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