Democratic Rep Denies Reality, Makes Unbelievable Claim Despite Evidence

( – Democratic Georgia Representative Hank Johnson said on September 27 that migrants entering the United States through the southern border aren’t doing it illegally. When asked to elaborate, Johnson said they were just seeking political asylum while sitting at the border. The Democratic leader made these comments even when every statistic shows record numbers of illegal entries into the nation.

During an interview with Fox News at Capitol Hill, the representative was asked about the migrant crisis, particularly about the 10,000 migrants entering illegally into the United States every day. He responded that they weren’t “crossing into the US illegally,” and then claimed they were doing the legal asylum process instead.

According to the American Immigration Council, those who seek asylum need to prove they have suffered persecution in their countries of origin or fear future persecution. Different reports have shown that many of the migrants who come to the United States are escaping from their home countries because of an economic crisis, which doesn’t count for asylum.

When asked about this reality, Johnson told Fox News this is the reason why the country needs comprehensive immigration reform so it could offer more pathways to legal entry. He also pointed out that adding asylum is the only method that many migrants currently have to enter the United States legally.

The Georgia representative also blamed the Republican Party for the current migrant crisis, saying that its leaders don’t want comprehensive immigration reform. He added this has created a scenario where people who want to look for economic opportunities in the country have limited options to do so legally.

Johnson also said that the most ironic detail in this situation is that the United States needs “the labor” of many who want to enter the country, stating this would “enhance our economy.” Further, he emphasized that the only way to “eliminate the hordes” of migrants who are approaching the border is through a comprehensive reform.

Meanwhile, as Johnson denies the reality of the situation, multiple states are suffering the consequences brought forth by the crisis at the border.

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