21 Israeli Soldiers Killed, Netanyahu Vows to Avenge Them

(WatchDogReport.org) – Israeli military officials confirmed on Tuesday that 21 soldiers were killed in Monday’s onslaught on Israeli forces in the Gaza Strip. Since the Hamas-led slaughter on October 7 — the event that sparked the war — this assault was the bloodiest for Israeli forces.

Speaking on Monday and expressing that it was one of the most challenging days since the war began, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu conveyed his grief at the loss of the troops. Since the ground battle started in late October, at least 217 Israeli troops have been killed, with three casualties reported in a separate incident on Monday, according to the IDF.

A jihadist fired a rocket-propelled grenade at a tank nearby while reservists were preparing explosives to demolish two structures in downtown Gaza, according to the Israeli military. Both structures, which were two stories tall, collapsed on the soldiers below as a result of the detonation of explosives set off by the rocket.

Monday’s strike might be a significant setback for the renewed demands for a cease-fire. According to Netanyahu, the Israeli Defense Forces will keep fighting Hamas until they achieve absolute victory.

The Israeli military said that the southern city of Khan Younis, where the leaders of Hamas are believed to be hiding, had been encircled by ground forces within hours after the announcement of the operation.

In recent days, there has been heavy violence in and around the city, which is the second biggest in Gaza. Members of Israel’s Knesset and the international community have pushed Israeli officials to negotiate a new ceasefire to free the remaining hostages.

An Egyptian official has reportedly told the Associated Press that Israel has offered a two-month truce to rescue the remaining prisoners. In return, Israel would let senior Hamas officials in Gaza leave for other nations and free more Palestinians from Israeli jails.

According to the anonymous official, who was not allowed to communicate with the media, Hamas turned down the offer. Hamas, on the other hand, has pledged not to free any additional captives until Israel pulls out of Gaza and stops its onslaught.

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