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State Official Busted in Drug Deal Outside Fast Food Establishment

State Official Busted in Drug Deal Outside Fast Food Establishment

Government Official CAUGHT - Arrested on the Spot! (WatchDogReport.org) - The Executive Secretary of the State Board of Private Security Examiners in Louisiana was arrested...
Democrat Official Arrested for Allegedly Killing Reporter

Democratic Official Arrested for Allegedly Killing Reporter

Democrat Official ARRESTED - Murder Charges! (WatchDogReport.org) - In the run-up to the Democratic primary for the Clark County (Nevada) Public Administrator's office, an investigative...
Kathy Griffin Blasted for Civil War Post

Kathy Griffin Blasted for Civil War Post

Famous Democrat BLASTED Over Threatening Post (WatchDogReport.org) - Back in 2017, comedienne Kathy Griffin decided to take her brand of "comedy" a bit too far...
Biden Admin Ordered To Turn Over Documents on Big Tech Collusion

Biden Admin Ordered To Turn Over Documents on Big Tech Collusion

Biden DISASTER - House of Cards Begins to Crumble! (WatchDogReport.org) - The origins of SARS-CoV-2, Hunter Biden's laptop, and election security all have several things...
Hillary Clinton Caught in Bold-Faced Lie

Hillary Clinton Caught in Bold-Faced Lie

Hillary Clinton BUSTED - Called Out for All to See! (WatchDogReport.org) - Since 2016, a recurring theme in America has kept floating to the surface:...
Election Thieves Spotted Stealing Signs From Republicans

Election Thieves Spotted Stealing Signs From Republicans

Election THIEVES Caught On Camera - Images Released (WatchDogReport.org) - In Pennsylvania, as with most states, stealing political signs is a crime. In the Keystone...
Man Who Bribed US Military Has Mysteriously Skipped Town

Man Who Bribed US Military Has Mysteriously Skipped Town

High-Profile Fugitive Mysteriously VANISHES - He's Gone! (WatchDogReport.org) - It's not unusual for someone accused of a felony to try and flee justice --- but...
Bed Bath and Beyond CFO Reportedly Jumped to His Death From a Skyscraper

Bed Bath and Beyond CFO Reportedly Jumped to His Death From a Skyscraper

CFO LEAPS From Skyscraper Amid Scandal Allegations (WatchDogReport.org) - As if more proof were needed that money can't buy happiness, a wealthy man worth millions...
Assassination Attempt Fails After Gun Jams

Assassination Attempt Fails After Gun Jams

Assassination ATTEMPT - Guards Leap Into Action! (WatchDogReport.org) - A divisive political leader recently came face-to-face with a pistol that could've proved deadly --- but...
Gavin Newsom Under Fire After Asking Residents Not to Charge Electric Vehicles

Gavin Newsom Under Fire After Asking Residents Not to Charge Electric Vehicles

Governor Sparks OUTRAGE After Telling Citizens NOT To Do This (WatchDogReport.org) - California's Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom has been a huge proponent of eliminating gasoline-burning...
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